Installed Sales Point of Sale Mapping

This section is provided for mapping that is specific to Installed Sales (Point of Sale). Installed Sales are really a combination of transactions which are billed together including the materials, labor, etc.







Real Property Tax Expense


Credit (+)



Installed Sales Income


Debit (+)



Installed Sales Cost of Sales




*Indicates the type of entry, either debit or credit. The + or - indicates whether the debit or credit represents and increase or decrease for the specific class of account (asset, liability, income, etc.).

73. Real Property Tax Expense

This mapping is only used by Canadian companies doing installed sales in a Province (Manitoba, currently) where a distinction is made regarding the Provincial (PST) portion of the sales tax when a sale involves installation. This distinction is based on whether or not the installation represents "Real Property" vs. "Tangible Personal Property." In the case of "real property," this mapping would be used for the PST portion of tax which would be (in this case) calculated only on the cost of the materials involved. The merchant (your company) is responsible for paying the tax in this case. Additional fields in the Sales Tax Maintenance form and also the Installed Sales transaction accommodate this variation in how tax is assessed.

74. Installed Sales Income

This mapping is provided for companies doing installed sales who want to map the income from Installed Sales separately from other types of sales. If your company doesn't need or want this separation, you can map this to the same account used for either cash or charge sales income.

75. Installed Sales Cost of Sales (COGS)

This mapping is provided for companies doing installed sales who want to map cost of sales (COGS) from Installed Sales separately from other types of sales. If your company doesn't need or want this separation, you can map this to the same account used for Cost of Sales in the sales category.

For more information, please see the Installed Sales overview under Special Topics.