Maintaining the Delivery Feature

The Delivery application area offers five different file maintenance (database) functions listed below. These apply to the Delivery feature, which is not enabled by default.1 There is no additional charge for the delivery feature; however, we do suggest that reading the documentation and/or seeking training before using it.2 The software also offers the ability to manage deliveries using DQ Technologies ( delivery tracking, a third-party product. DQ Technologies delivery and the Spruce delivery are mutually exclusive and cannot be used at the same time.

Before enabling Spruce Delivery at Point of Sale, it's important to define route codes (if needed), truck types, truck codes, time intervals, and slot reserves (optional) from the Delivery, Database menu. All setup is branch-specific (must be done for each location that will deliver goods). For new Delivery users, we suggest that maintenance be done in the order listed below:

Route Codes

Route Codes describe the various areas or routes where delivery is available. These involve a short code and longer description. How your company defines and uses codes is flexible. Suggested uses for codes include zip codes or another system representing larger area or regions that your company defines. Add as many or as few route codes as you feel are necessary. Route codes are likely to vary by branch location, so each location has its own separate list of codes (although the codes themselves could be the same). Usage of route codes is optional.

Truck (Lorry) Types*

Truck/Lorry types are intended to describe the type of delivery truck/lorry used by your company. A short code and longer description are provided for each type. For example, a type might be "boom" or "van." Truck/Lorry Types are branch specific; however, the list of codes can be saved for all locations at the same time if you want to share them. Your company may have multiple vehicles of the same model/type, so it's possible to assign the same type to as many trucks (or lorries) as you like.

*The term "truck" is used in the United States (US) and Canada (CA) and "lorry" is the term used in the United Kingdom (UK). Certain labels, forms, and text change in the software based upon your operating system's regional settings and the setup of your SQL database.

Trucks (Truck/Lorry Codes)

The Trucks (Lorry) Maintenance form is used for defining the different delivery vehicles for each branch. Each vehicle is assigned a truck/lorry (code), type (defined above), default driver, and maximum weight. Max weight is compared with the load factors assigned to products being delivered by the truck. If the load exceeds the truck's maximum weight, the truck code will change to red in the Load Schedule form. Setup of these codes is required. The listing of default drivers is created from users who are assigned a type of "dispatch" and who have permission to access the branch where the truck/lorry is being added.

Time Intervals

The Time Intervals form is used for defining the number of delivery runs that can be scheduled during a given day. In most cases, a company has a limited number of delivery periods. The actual number may vary based on the distance between stops and number of stops for each delivery run on a given day. To generalize, there are typically between 2 and 3 runs per day, per truck. The first run is often in the early morning and would be loaded the previous evening. After the truck returns from the early morning delivery, a second and possibly third run might follow, for example. A maximum of eight-characters per code is allowed. These appear in Point of Sale when users indicate delivery on the Process (F12) form as well as in the Load Schedule area. Setup of Time Intervals is required.

Slot Reserves

This allows the definition of the number of "slots" available for individual truck and time interval combinations. For example, each time a truck goes out on a particular route, you may define a maximum number of slots (deliveries) that truck has time to make. These "slots" may be reserved by a Point of Sale user for their particular delivery transaction. When all the slots available have been reserved, users will no longer be able to reserve additional slots for that truck, time interval, and date combination. Slot reserves are optional. If they have not been setup, there won't be a limit to the number of reserves allowed.

1If interested, please contact support to enable the Spruce Delivery option. NOTE: Enabling Delivery immediately adds some functions on Process (F12) forms in the Point of Sale area.

2Training is a billable service except for regularly scheduled on-line training courses which are posted on our web site.