Credit Limit Override

This utility provides a way to approve or deny a remote credit override while at the same time reviewing a customer's account. For a remote override to be done, the user who receives the override warning notifies the credit manager who locates the override request and either approves or denies it.

The determination as to whether or not an override is produced (and how) is based upon a number of factors. For more detailed information about if, when, and how credit overrides are triggered, please click here.

Overrides at Point of Sale

When a Point of Sale user receives an override prompt, the following message window appears:


At this point, the Point of Sale user should stop and contact the credit manager for a remote override. They should remain in contact with the credit manager until the override is issued because no on-screen notice is given when an override has been sent. If the override window is closed after the credit manager selects the override record, the override can still be sent as long as the process form is not also closed. If the process form is closed or the override prompt is closed before the credit manager selects it, the process won't work.

Instead of sending the password remotely (using this function), the override code can be typed in directly at Point of Sale by either the credit manager or the person processing the sale (if they know the override password). Once a remote override is processed by the credit manager, the sales clerk should click on the "remote" button. The charge sale or customer order should then process. If the user enters an invalid password or the remote override is denied by the credit manager, the following message will appear:


Using the Credit Override Utility

The credit manager can use the override utility to either approve or deny an override for the customer based on their credit history. This are also allows a note to be attached to the override and if payment is promised by the customer, the "promised payment" and "payment note" fields can be updated directly from the utility. Promised payment dates are used by the Past Due report located under Receivables. Mark the "Approve Override" radio button and press F12 to process the override and allow the Point of Sale user to complete the sale. If you choose "deny override," the Point of Sale user won't be able to complete a sale as charge, but can still process the sale using another payment method.


Balance & Payment History

This section lists historical information about the account such as how many times they've been overdue over the past 12 months, for example. The year-to-date (YTD) highest balance is the highest balance at the close of a billing period over the past year (not necessarily their highest balance at any given time). The Last Month's Balance is the balance as of the customer's last statement. Payments this Month is the total of payments made so far this month. Date of Last Payment is the date of the most recent payment (doesn't include credits or adjustments).

At the bottom of this form panel is an overdue table. A system-wide parameter exists for the minimum overdue dollar amount. The dollar amount of this parameter, in place at the time of billing, determines whether or not an overdue balance is recorded as such. If an account is overdue, but below the parameter's dollar setting, no overdue balance will be recorded.

For example, if at billing time, customer ABC has a 60-day balance of $75, but the overdue minimum is $100, the 60-day overdue counter will not be incremented. If the same customer's 60-day balance was $125, the 60+ overdue counter would be increased by 1 and the "highest" balance for the 60-day overdue record would be updated if the $125 is the largest dollar amount in the 60-day balance during a billing period in the past 12 months.

Overdue tables represent a "rolling" 12-month period.

Outstanding Balances

Outstanding balances take all of the job's A/R activity and break it down into aging periods. Balances don't represent what the entire account owes, just the project. "This month" represents the current cycle (activity since the last billing only), 30-days is the prior billing period (really this is A/R activity that is between 1 and 30 days old), 60-days (A/R activity between 31 and 60 days), 90-days (between 61 to 90 days), and 120+ days (anything older than 91 days).

Accounts are aged immediately after statement documents are generated. This means that charges that were printed as current on the statement will now appear in the 30-day figure, but may not be 30 days old yet. They will be 30-days only if these charges aren't paid by the close of the next billing period. It's important to understand this distinction... balances are reported as they would be if the future billing period were being closed now and are not based on the actual age of the balance.

Current Status

This lists the overall status of the job and lists the overall balance, plus finance charges, less open credits (credits not yet applied), and the net total due. The order balance for the job is listed. Order balances The job's credit limit and credit available is listed. Negative figures are shown in parentheses, so if the available credit appears enclosed in parentheses, the job or account has passed its limit.

This area also displays the current sale or order total and the amount over the limit this transaction would place the customer.