Code Definitions > Lists

The Lists tab of code definitions is used for defining List names used with the Image List feature. The Image List feature allows your company to define and use a table comprised of lists and images for item selection at Point of Sale. We suggest keeping the Code Definitions form open while you define your Image List to make adding additional list names easier.

Main Menu > Inventory > Database > Code Definitions, Lists

Code Definitions: Lists

To delete any unused codes, check the check box in the Delete column for the row you want removed prior to processing. It's best to only delete codes that are not in use. Codes may or may not allow deletion when linked with other data. If deletion causes any issue, re-adding the code definition that was removed will usually solve the problem.

Choose Process (F12) to save any additions or deletions made. Processing validates and saves all code definition types, not just the current tab you've selected.