Account Merge

This feature provides the ability to do three (3) distinct things:

1.Rename an existing account to a new and unused account identifier (number).

2.Merge two (2) existing accounts together.

3.Merge two (2) existing jobs for the same account together.

Before using this utility, it's important to be aware that customer account data exists in many different data tables. You should avoid merging or renaming accounts unless you are sure that the account is not currently in use. It's suggested that account merges and renames be conducted outside of regular business hours for this reason.

In certain cases, it is possible to delete a customer or job outright. This has to do with the level of activity on the account. See the account maintenance documentation for more details.

Renaming an Account

Renaming an account removes the original account and updates all tables referencing that account to the new account identifier (number, etc.) specified. In this case, all information about the original account is retained and modified to match the new account ID. This affects all documents and other data regarding the account except any data that may have been archived. Most companies don't archive data; however, if your company does, archived data would retain the original account identifier. This should not be an issue in most cases. You might need to know and reference the original account when searching archived document data.

Renaming an account is reversible by renaming the new account back to its original identifier.

Merging Accounts

Merging two existing accounts is not reversible and should be carefully considered prior to processing. Both accounts must have the same "Posting Type" (Open Item or Balance Forward). Merging does not remove the existing (merge-from) customer account nor does it remove (or merge) any job records. The merged account's status is changed to "closed" after the merge. Certain information about the accounts is combined together for the "merge-to" account. How this is done depends on the billing type of the accounts:

Merging to or from a Consolidated (Account Level) Billing Account

The account that data is merged to is updated so that account and job totals on the "merge-from" account are combined with the "merge-to" account. Jobs from the "merge-from" account are not moved to the "merge-to." Instead, job totals are combined together and update the "merge-to" account's master job (0) totals. Account totals are also combined so that the "merge-to" account reflects the sum of both accounts. The totals for the now closed "merge-from" account are retained, however.

Merging from a Job Billing account to another Job Billing Account

This specific scenario is a bit different in that both accounts are job billing. Job billing accounts maintain independent receivables balances and data for each job. In this case, the jobs act almost as sub-accounts. Due to this, totals for the jobs are combined a bit differently. In this case, a new job is created for the "merge-to" account which provides a summary of the total balances for jobs on the "merge-from" account. The new job number is the next sequential job number available for use. All other data is updated to the new account and new job that was created. Doing this removes whatever references there were to the original assignment of jobs on the original "merge-from" account.

In both cases, we are not removing the "merge-from" account, so limited data regarding the original customer account and jobs is retained. This includes the following data: customer master (account), customer master totals (totals for account), customer job, customer job totals (totals for the jobs), and the customer match table (used for look-up purposes). All other data for the "merge-from" account is updated to reflect the new account (and/or job).

Merging Jobs

Merging jobs is not reversible and should be carefully considered prior to processing. A merged job is not removed. Merged jobs are closed after processing and can be deleted manually if desired.

Processing a job merge takes the balance and sales information for the job and moves it to the job you indicate.