VeriShield Total Protect™

This refers to a product of VeriFone, Inc. that adds an additional level of protection to your card data as processed via pad devices. This feature encrypts the card data at the pad and it remains encrypted throughout its journey through your system greatly reducing the possibility that the card data can be compromised. This feature is something that each pad device must be configured for individually. Requirements for enabling this feature are as follows:

Your pads must be set to use VeriFone SIM version (2_0_4_7) or higher.

Device Key (Level) Authentication must be enabled for each Pad. This involves assigning each pad’s serial number via the VeriFone PAYware Connect on-line portal and then associating the generated security keys via the software. This document has instructions on how to do this.

Pads must have VeriShield encryption keys installed. This is optional when ordering new pads. It may be possible to have these keys remotely installed onto existing pads; however, this may depend on the software that is installed on the pad.

Typically, a special VeriFone card must be swiped on the pad to activate the feature on the pad.

The VeriFone Settings in the Device Maintenance form must be set to have VeriShield protect enabled (check box) for each pad configured with this option.

Due to the way card information is encrypted, this can affect the ability of the software to process in-house gift cards. VeriFone pads can be configured to not encrypt certain Issuer Identification Numbers (INN), formerly called Bank BIN numbers. Your gift cards will need to have a consistent INN for them to be swiped on the devices with this feature turned on.