Sign On

For security and identification reasons, RockSolid MAX requires that a user name and password be entered before performing any functions within the software. User names are used for identity, and passwords are used for security.

User names will be printed on documents and displayed with transactions. Often, the user is a name, but it could be a code or number. Your company's selected administrator is responsible for assigning user names.

Because passwords are for security, they are masked using asterisks (*) during any entry and are not displayed or printed in any areas. If optional password expiration is enforced, users may be required to change their password after their password expires (a parameter determines the expiration period in days). Passwords may have a required length and can require both alpha and numeric characters as well as one or more special characters (such as a symbol). Your company's selected administrator is responsible for managing all user settings. RockSolid MAX Support will not change your security or password permissions.

Once access is provided, users may return to the "Signon" screen by selecting the File (ALT-F) drop-down and Logoff (ALT-L) from the application toolbar. It is not always necessary to "log off" when you are done using the application, you can also simply close the application window. Consider using the "Logoff" option when you plan on signing back on in a short period of time or another person will be using the application.

Users can be logged off or disconnected automatically. Time-out settings (triggered by inactivity after sign-on) can be optionally enabled for users. If enabled and the designated inactivity period elapses, the application automatically returns to this "Signon" screen forcing the user to re-enter both their user and password. A software license is not considered in use until after a user signs on; however, other licensing such as for Microsoft SQL Server or Terminal Services (also referred to as "Remote Desktop Services") is enforced regardless of the users sign-on status if the application is running.

If the RockSolid MAX application is run but a user does not sign-on, the application will automatically be terminated (closed) after a default period of 20 minutes This period, in minutes, can be adjusted higher or lower upon request (the minimum is one minute). The application time-out is done for a number of reasons most of which relate to companies using Microsoft® Terminal Services along with the application. In this case, the number of Microsoft licenses may be limited and unused sessions can also use server memory unnecessarily. For these reasons, server administrators tend to prefer to limit the number of unused application instances in order to prevent potential performance or license issues. In all cases, unused application sessions will use SQL database resources, so try to avoid this.

Changing a Password

Users can change their password by clicking on the "Change Password" link in the SignOn screen. If password expiration is being used, users may be forced to regularly modify their password. Password requirements are determined by your company's selected administrator. These requirements may optionally include a minimum length, require alpha and numeric characters, and/or a special character (symbol, etc.) when setting a new password.


Issues with Signon

There are a number of reasons why Sign on may be prohibited for any or all users. An individual user's security settings may limit both the time periods for access, number of sessions, and branch locations (when applicable) that the specific user is allowed to access. In addition, certain types of processing can lock-out ALL or most users temporarily (server updates or monthly processing, for example). These operations are typically scheduled outside of business hours but could potentially cause issues with user access outside of these time periods if an issue occurs.

Signon Time Period Limits

Users may be allowed "sign-on" access to the application only during a specified time period each day. This period may include the entire day or just a period of time as determined by your company. Minimally, it is a good idea for your company's selected administrator to prevent access by most users whenever daily processing or server backups are being conducted between business days.

You are not allowed to log in at this time.

Signon Error due to Time Period Limitation

Signon Branch Limitations

For companies with more than one location, users must be assigned to one location and may be granted access to other branch locations optionally. In addition, a station (PC, etc.) may optionally be assigned to a default branch. If a user and or stations settings produce a conflict, the following message is provided and Sign on is prohibited.

Signon Denied. UserID is not allowed access to the default Branch for this Station/UserID.

Signon Error: Station/User Branch Conflict

Session Terminated by an Administrator

Any "sign-on" session can be terminated by your company's selected administrator at any time. During the installation of a server update, this termination can occur as part of the installation process.

License Expiration Warning

The RockSolid MAX application is a licensed software product. To use this product, your company must maintain one or more licenses and maintain support. Licenses are routinely updated and monitored on a daily basis. A "License Expiration" notice may appear for any of the following reasons:

Failure to pay support or licensing for an extended period.

The server is unable to connect to our license server to validate the current license.

Your company hasn't installed any server updates for a significant period of time.

Monthly Receivables (AR) Billing Cycle

If there is an issue with the completion of monthly processing for Receivables (AR) Billing, a message (shown below) is provided and access is not normally permitted.1 This is a serious issue and support should be contacted as soon as possible. If access is permitted, no activity affecting receivables should be done until the problem has been fully resolved. Receivables activity would include the following: charge invoices, returns, payment entry (Received on Account), posting payments, credit/debit adjustments, and recurring billing.

1An override is provided that can be enabled in advance by your company (via a parameter) or by support staff. Enabling access when a billing cycle has not completed is strongly discouraged. If done, we accepts no responsible for any data correction or research in the event that receivables activity is processed before the problem has been addressed. Should your company chooses to allow access, it is very important to not process any transactions that would affect receivables (posting or entry of payments, charge invoices, adjustments, recurring billing, etc.). The application should only be used for inquiry and cash-only transactions in this case until the problem is resolved.