Close Receipts

The Close Receipts utility is a database maintenance function that is used to change the status on purchases of inventory (receipts) so that they no longer appear in certain selection listings. This utility does not remove any receipt history on items received and will not affect inquiries on items nor will it remove any documents associated with receipts.


Why use this utility?

Typically, there are really three (3) reasons or situations that this utility would be used:

1. The first reason is to associate an open receipt with a previously invoiced open Payable. This might be necessary if the Payable was entered without associating the receipt at that time.

2. The second reason is to close a receipt that has been manually reversed (by an opposing inventory receipt). In this case, you would mark both the original and reversal receipts as closed so that neither are invoiced in Payables. It's important that both receipts match exactly in this case.

3. The last reason is to close a receipt that was invoiced and has already been paid or partially paid. There is no way to associate the receipt document with the Payable in this case.

Receiving inventory creates ledger entries for both your company's asset inventory value and the accrual account. If you close receipts which had previously affected these accounts and there is no offsetting entry either by a Payable or another reversing Receipt, both your ledger's inventory and accrual balances will be wrong!

Locating Receipts that were Closed

It is possible to identify receipts that were closed manually using this utility. A report is available on our support web site "Closed Receipts by Vendor" that can be used to identify such receipts. This report offers a date range and optional vendor selection.

Automatically Closed Receipts

Some receipts are generated automatically by other types of processing in the application. A few operations that can generate "closed" receipts are item merges, manufacturing, and item returns. These typically use the vendor "MISC."

Selection and Processing

Vendor selection is optional. To view open receipts for all vendors, leave the "material vendor" field empty, select an ending purchase date, and press the View (F8) function to populate the grid. Otherwise, choose a specific vendor and "through date" to only display that vendor's open purchases.

Once receipt documents are listed in the grid, they can be selected for closing. The selection listing of invoices defaults to include all open invoices and is presented (sorted) in descending order by the document ID (the newest documents appear first). You can filter the selection listing by using Alternate selections for payment vendor, material vendor, or document.


Based upon your selections, if any, a listing of invoices matching your criteria are provided.


Check the check boxes in the "Select" column next to any receipt documents you want to close. Only those documents with a check in the box under the "select" column will be closed upon processing.

Select Process (F12) to mark the selected receipt documents from the grid as closed. Use the Cancel (F9) function to clear the grid without processing. Choose Exit (F10) to close the form window (or just click on the "X" button).