Point of Sale > Management Reports

The Point of Sale > Management Reports provide information that would typically not need to be available to the average user. For this reason, security access can be limited to any reports including the ones listed here. Currently, five (7) reports are available: Sales Analysis, Credit Management, Sales Tax, Tax by Invoice, Job Analysis, Daily Sales Report, and Products Sold by Date Range. There are two (2) versions of the Sales Tax report; however, your software will only list the version matching your designated region (Canada or the United States). Other report options may be added in the future.

Sales Analysis

This "Customer" Sales Analysis report is provided for viewing sales by account with an optional product group breakdown.

Credit Management

This report lists transactions that were marked as exceptions due to a credit override.

Sales Tax (Canada)

This report is provided for our Canadian customers to view their sales tax totals.

Sales Tax (USA)

This report is provided for our customer in the United States to view sales tax totals.

Tax by Invoice

This report provides details for sales tax by invoice.

Daily Sales Report

This report is actually six (6) reports combined into one and offers a variety of sales and business related information in one report.

Products Sold by Date Range

This report provides a summary of item sales and profit by product group for a selected date range and branch selection.

Rewards Report Summary

This report provides information about all or selected rewards accounts and points for the Rewards Plus program.