Petty Cash

The Petty Cash payout type is intended for withdrawal of funds from a cash drawer for miscellaneous reasons (postage, donations, etc.). The withdrawal may be associated with a ledger expense to record the reason for the payout financially. Detailed mapping is provided for Petty Cash. If you want to provide preset selections, mapping is required to use this feature. In this case, you will need to map at least one account for Payout Reason. This can be done whether or not your company plans on reporting on the ledger entries generated by your software. The "G/L Mapping" option will only be listed if selections are mapped in this case. Since Petty Cash can be linked to a ledger account, it is also useful for fixing problems that may affect a cash drawer such as an improper amount applied to a gift card.


The user must enter an amount to withdraw from the drawer, select the appropriate ledger account, and either modify or accept the default description prior to processing (the default description comes from the Mapping Description for the Payout Reason detailed mapping, not the selected account which may be named differently).

Process (F12)

Processing for Payouts is fairly basic. There are only two tabs: print and transmit. Payment methods are not necessary with Petty Cash because "cash" is implied. Since no customer is involved, most Email and fax related fields are not automatically populated.