Command Arguments

Command arguments are values that you can add to the "target" of the application's desktop shortcut that alter the software behavior in some way. Most command arguments are used for development and testing and aren't suitable for customer use; however, here are a few that may be useful.

To specify a command argument, you must modify the properties of the desktop shortcut. To do this, choose "Properties" from the alternate menu while hovering your mouse over the desktop icon (usually a right-click). Once the properties dialog opens, a "Shortcut" tab is usually the default tab selection. Within this tab, you should see a text area labeled "target." At the end of the application's path in the target, enter a space followed by any command arguments. Use the equals symbol (=) between the command argument and the value of the argument.

Values assigned to a command argument cannot include any spaces since that is the delimiter between arguments. Windows may place additional restrictions in some cases.


The application has a default icon which is displayed in the upper left-hand corner of most forms and is also used to identify the application on the Windows task bar while the application is running. The ICON command argument provides the ability to specify an alternate icon for the application.  Indicate a file path to a valid icon file such as ICON=C:\Users\YourName\Images\myicon.ico (for example) to set an alternate icon. Just modifying the file extension on an existing image won't make it a "valid" icon, however. If you use a file path and the path contains any spaces, use quotation marks (") around the path name.

Why change the icon?

Users usually do this when they run more than one instance of the application at the same time. For example, if your company has multiple databases for separated divisions, or just separate branches, you might use different shortcuts and/or stations assigned to those shortcuts for convenience. Having a different icon can help distinguish between the two.

One important point about the "ICON" command argument is that this does not change the desktop shortcut's icon. You can do this separately, however, via the shortcut's properties dialog.


This can be used to set the default size adjustment for the application. Sizes are specified as integer (whole number) values (don't include a percentage symbol) and must match the preset sizes provided in the application (File menu, Size menu item) which are 80%, 90%, 100%, 110%, 120%, and 130%. Other values will be ignored. For example, adding a command argument of SIZE=130 would re-size the application to 130% of its default size. A default size can also be assigned to stations and users with release 11 (January 2016).


This command argument is used for setting the default "station" to be used when the application runs. If no default (command argument) is set, the application attempts to find a station with an IP address that matches the current IP address being used by the client (PC). IP (Internet Protocol) addresses can change if the computer isn't assigned to a static address within your network's range of static IP addresses. Dynamically assigned addresses (DHCP) reset anytime the computer's network card or network equipment is reset.

The station ID can be an IP address or just some unique text value that's assigned to a station's IP Address field in the application data (the IP address can be modified for a station from the Devices Maintenance form located on the Database menu in the Maintenance area). The station's IP address value cannot include any embedded spaces if you plan on using it for the command argument. Below are some examples:




Additional Information

While the application is running, you can view the command arguments that are currently active by double-clicking on your company logo from the Main Menu. Look for the text "CMDLINE" in the "Runtime Info" dialog. Any command arguments will be listed after the application's target path name.

There are many additional command arguments that are used for development and testing reasons. We discourage users from using any command arguments, other than those we list here, unless specifically instructed to do so by Support personnel.