Capital One Trade Credit (formerly BlueTarp) Invoice Extract Specs

The Invoice Extract is produced nightly and transmitted to Capital One Trade Credit (formerly BlueTarp) for processing. The file contains Invoices which contain information related to Capital One Trade Credit (formerly BlueTarp) transactions that occurred on that day. The extract file is a generated in a tab-delimited format.

Change Log

The table below lists changes made to the file layout over time. The highest version listed is the current version.


Summary of Changes

Ver. 2

Invoice Time added; this represents the time the invoice was created

Bankcard Tendered renamed to Capital One Trade Credit (formerly BlueTarp) Tendered; this represents the amount tendered using Capital One Trade Credit (formerly BlueTarp); Other Tendered represents the sum of non-Capital One Trade Credit (formerly BlueTarp) (i.e. Cash, Check,

Coupon, Gift Card, Bankcard) tendered; Total Tendered = Capital One Trade Credit (formerly BlueTarp) Tendered + Other Tendered

Ver. 3

Capital One Trade Credit (formerly BlueTarp) Card Number added

Ver. 4


Document Notes added; this represents document level comments entered by the user that appears at the top of the invoice to the left of delivery instructions

Item Comments added; this represents item level comments entered by the user that appears directly beneath the item description

Order # added; this appears prior to any items that were converted from order(s)

Ver. 5



Added Spruce Trx Type to identify the type of transaction: Invoice, Invoice Reversal, Order Deposit, Order Deposit refund.

Added the Document Note, which refers to related document

Added Capital One Trade Credit (formerly BlueTarp) Trx Type, which displays the Capital One Trade Credit (formerly BlueTarp) transaction type

Renamed Invoice Document #, Invoice Date, and Invoice Time to Document #, Document Date and Document Time, respectively;

Ver. 6

Added Job Name to end of row

Ver. 7

Added support for including Miscellaneous Payments for Installed Sales Contracts in the file. There are no new data items in this version, but the description of several items changed.

Ver. 8

Added support for including Miscellaneous Payments for Order Deposits and Deposit Refunds. There are no new data items but the description of several existing items changed.

Ver. 9

Added barcode

Ver. 10

Added Terms (actually FinChgCycles)

File Specifications

Column Name


Data Type/Format

Capital One Trade Credit (formerly BlueTarp) MerchantId

Capital One Trade Credit (formerly BlueTarp) Merchant ID Assigned to Store


Spruce Trx Type

Identifies transaction type:


-Invoice Reversal

-IS Contract Payment

-Order Deposit

-Deposit Refund

24 characters

Document #

Document Number:

For an Invoice or Invoice Reversal, this represents the Invoice Document #. For a payment on an Installed Contract or an Order Deposit or Deposit Refund, this will be the Miscellaneous Payment Document #.


Document Date

Document Creation Date

format m/d/yyyy

Document Time

Document Creation Time

format hh:mm:ss AMPM

Document Note

Note on related document.

For Misc Payment, this will contain the text:

- “Payment on Installed Sale Contract YYMM-AAAAA”

- “Deposit on Order YYMM-AAAAA”

- “Deposit Refund on YYMM-AAAAA”

30 characters


Cashier's UserID

6 characters


Saleperson's UserID

6 characters

Order Entry User

Order Entry person's UserID

6 characters


POS Station

4 characters

Capital One Trade Credit (formerly BlueTarp) POSId

Capital One Trade Credit (formerly BlueTarp) ID for the POS station (future)



Customer Account Number

10 characters


Customer Job Number

Integer (typically 0,1,2 …)

Customer Name

Customer Billing Address

30 characters

Customer Address 1

30 characters

Customer Address 2

30 characters

Customer City

30 characters

Customer State

2 characters

Customer Zip

10 characters


30 characters

Ship To Name

Customer Shipping Address

30 characters

Ship To Address 1

30 characters

Ship To Address 2

30 characters

Ship To City

30 characters

Ship To State

2 characters

Ship To Zip

10 characters

Customer PO

Customer Purchase Order #

12 characters

Delivery Date

Delivery Date

m/d/yyyy; blank if no delivery

Delivery Info

Delivery Notes

240 characters

Capital One Trade Credit (formerly BlueTarp) Trx Type

Capital One Trade Credit (formerly BlueTarp) Transaction Type: Sale, Credit, Void

12 characters

Capital One Trade Credit (formerly BlueTarp) Card Number

The Capital One Trade Credit (formerly BlueTarp) card Number used at POS

16 characters

Capital One Trade Credit (formerly BlueTarp) Auth Code

Authorization Code returned by EZAuth. If the user over road processing by manually entering an authorization sequence, the value here will be “Manual”

12 characters

Capital One Trade Credit (formerly BlueTarp) TrxSequence

Sequence returned by EZAuth

16 characters

Tax Id

Tax Code Identifier

12 characters

Tax Description

Tax Code Decode

30 characters

Tax Percent

Tax Percent Applied


Tax Exempt #

Tax Exempt #

20 characters

Merchandise Total

Sum of Item Extended Prices


Discount Total

Discount Amount


Sales Tax

Sales Tax Amount


Applied Deposit

Prepaid Amount


Invoice Total

For an Invoice:

Invoice total = Merchandise Total – Discount Total + Sales Tax – Applied Deposit

For a Misc Payment: Payment Amount



For Misc Payments on Installed Sales, this contains the “Reference” entered by the user on the contract. It also shows up under “Reference” on the Capital One Trade Credit (formerly BlueTarp) site.

For Order Deposits and Deposit Refunds, this will be blank.

30 characters

Capital One Trade Credit (formerly BlueTarp) Tendered

Capital One Trade Credit (formerly BlueTarp) Amount Charged
Note: For Credit transactions, this amount will be negative.


Other Tendered

Sum of all other tender types (Cash, Check, Credit Card, Coupon, Gift Card)


Total Tendered

Sum of Capital One Trade Credit (formerly BlueTarp) Tendered + Other Tendered


Line Item #

Detail Line #

Note: For Misc Payments, there will always be 4 detail lines containing only item description.



Item Number

For Misc Payments, the SKU will be “Comment”

16 characters; stripped of crlf


Item Description

For Misc Payments for Installed Sale Contract payments, this will contain additional info on the Contract:

Line Item 1:

Contract Amount: $$$$$

Line Item 2:

Previously Paid: $$$$$

Line Item 3:

Payment Today: $$$$$

Line Item 4:

Remaining Amount: $$$$$

For Misc Payments for Order Deposits or Deposit Refunds, this will contain additional information on the Order:

Line Item 1:

Order Total: $$$$$   - Order Total Amount, including tax

Line Item 2:

Total Deposits: $$$$$  - Total Deposits Applied, includes the current payment

Line Item 3:

Payment Today: $$$$$  - this Payment

Line Item 4:

Remaining Amount: $$$$$ - Remaining Balance on Order

1088 characters; stripped of crlf

Item Comments

Additional description and/or comments

For Misc Payments, always blank.

256 characters; stripped of crlf


Purchased Quantity

For Misc Payments, always 1.


Quantity UM

Quantity Unit of Measure

For Misc Payments, always blank.

4 characters


Unit Price

For Misc Payments, 0 except for Line Item 3, which will reflect Payment Today amount.


Price UM

Unit Price Unit of Measure

For Misc Payments, always blank.

4 characters

Extended Price

Item Extended Price

For Misc Payments, 0 except for Line Item 3, which will reflect Payment Today amount.


Note: an SKU of “Adjustment” will have no quantity, quantity unit of measure, price and price unit measure of measure, only extended price.

Job Name

Name associated with Job Number

30 characters


This is the barcode associated with the item. Since there may be multiple barcodes associated with an inventory item, and because we cannot be sure what barcode was actually used at POS, the first barcode defined for the item (and consistent with unit of measure) is returned here.

16 characters


The Terms Code (actually FinChgCycles) from the Account if Account Billing; or Job when Job Billing

1 character:

“0”=30 Days

“1”=60 Days

“2”=90 Days
