Balance Forward - Job Billing

This example shows our sample account and activity with the Posting Type of Balance Forward and Billing Level of Job. Given our determined activity (examples), this results in 6 printed pages (if no invoice reprints are being done). If reprints were enabled for this customer, the number of printed pages would increase to 12 (given our example: 5 invoices and 1 credit memo would also print). All optional pages are enabled in this example. Using this example, eliminating optional pages would only result in a reduction of one page.


Account Summary (Page 1)

The 1st page shown is a summary of job balances for the billing period. This page is optional, but if disabled, the customer would receive no overall summary, so disabling the page is not suggested. A summary aging is provided at the bottom of the page for the overall account. Each job statement also has its own aging.

Job Statements (Pages 2-6)

Our other pages are the statements for each job. Job statements are not provided their own "summary," everything needed is included on the statement. Job statements shows the beginning balance, activity details, open credits (credits that have not been applied, aka. "posted"), and the ending balance. The aging of balances for the overall account is printed at the bottom. There is no job by job aging with the "account" billing level. The upper portion of the statement is considered a "tear-off" remittance slip. The customer can include this with their payment. The text note to the left of the aging is a "statement message." Statement messages are assigned to codes which are, in turn, assigned to customer accounts. They can be used for any purpose. It's also possible to automatically select a code based upon the customer's oldest balance.

A Note Regarding Sort Order

Our sample customer has 5 jobs, including the master job (0). The "statement type" setting on an account (either Consolidated or Job) usually determines how job activity is sorted, either by Job-Date order or Date-Job order. However, this setting only affects a listing of activity where both jobs and dates are involved. For this statement configuration, the only page that lists multiple jobs is the account summary page, and since no dates are involved in this case, sorting order is not relevant.