Changing Accounts from Account to Job Level Billing

In releases prior to 10.3.1 (March 2015), we did not allow changes from an "account" to "job" billing type on accounts with activity. With release 10.3.1 and later, this restriction is no longer in place and we have added additional code to convert account billing customer accounts to job. Job billed accounts maintain totals and balances separately by job. In these cases, the jobs act more like independent accounts in many ways. This new ability is being done so that companies are more comfortable starting with balance forward and account billing types, which are easier to manage, knowing that they can change them to a more detailed type if needed later on.


  1. The Billing Cycle close (checklist) may not be in progress.

  2. No negative balances are allowed in either the current or any past due balances.

  3. Billing type may not be changed at the same time as a Posting Type change (Balance Forward to Open Item, for example).

  4. All master (account) balances must be fully applied to jobs.

  5. If the account is Open Item, each job balance must match the sum of the open charges by job and must not exceed the account total for each balance period.

  6. Changes aren't allowed to accounts that are currently locked for posting or while posting is currently in progress.

Special Handling

  1. Consolidated account balances (Current, Past Due, Credits) are applied to Jobs in Job order (e.g., Job 0, then Job 1, etc.) until the balances are fully applied.

  2. Due to a lack of job references, the following amounts are fully applied to the master job 0 (zero):

    • Disputed Balance

    • Finance Charges

    • Finance Charges Paid YTD

    • Finance Charges (Last Statement)

    • New Finance Charges

  3. We distribute any remaining statement and current discount to jobs rather than just job zero.

  4. Any difference in summing job balances for Statement Balance and Opening Balance as compared to the Master account settings will be applied to Job 0.

Additional Information

Changes to the billing type only impact the account going forward. Prior statement documents are not changed and would reflect the state of the account settings at the time the statement was generated. Statement documents are not generated during delivery (via print, Email, or fax) from the Statements transaction on the Receivables menu, but are generated by a scheduled task that runs monthly between business days. For the billing type to affect the customer's next statement (as well as most other account changes), changes must be made prior to this scheduled task. Billing processing is scheduled and usually runs on a designated day of the month (or sometimes the last day of the month).