Alternate Menus

Some controls in the software (as well as most other Microsoft Windows compatible applications) can offer "hidden" additional options that are accessed from the "alternate menu." This menu is only shown if it has been enabled for the control (not all controls will offer this option). There are two (2) ways to bring up an alternate menu: mouse or keyboard.



To access an alternate menu using the mouse, either click on or hover over the control you want a menu for. Click the opposite mouse button and a menu should appear (if enabled for the particular field).

The alternate menu mouse button is usually the right-hand button on your mouse or touch pad. The alternate mouse button will be the left-hand button only if you have configured your mouse for left-hand use in your Windows operating system.


Keyboards are typically equipped with an alternate menu button. This will be located on the same row of keys as the space bar and will have some kind of menu graphic on the key. Usually it's located to the right of the space bar between the Alt and Ctrl keys. Keyboard access to some controls may be limited so there are cases when using the mouse is required.