Purchase Agents (Account)

A purchase agent (or "authorized buyer") is a person who is authorized to make purchases on their company's account. This folder area allows the entry of a purchase agent's name and allows attachment of a photograph to help identify the person to sales staff. Purchase Agents that are assigned to the account will be listed and available for selection by all jobs, even if those jobs have other or no purchase agents designated. Job purchase agents are presented in addition to any "master" account purchasers. Purchasers assigned at the account level should be those individuals with permission to purchase for any and all jobs; otherwise, the purchasers should be assigned at the job level only.


For some transactions (sales, orders, etc.), purchase agent selection is required whenever any authorized buyers have been set up for the account or job. In these cases, an error message will be generated during processing if no purchase agent was selected on the process form.

Requiring Name Entry

Point of Sale transactions can also allow and require the entry of a purchaser's name. This is always allowed in cases where purchase agents have not been required; however, the ability to require name entry is also available. To do this, simply add a purchase agent of "Enter Name" to the account or job. This will require that the Point of Sale user enter something in the authorized buyer field when processing a transaction and the name will print and be saved with the resulting document. Entered names are never added to the list of purchasers automatically.

Note: When the account that the authorized Purchase Agent is representing is a BlueTarp account, use the BlueTarp Account name rather than the purchase agent's name.