Using the Changes in this Release
This section explains how to use the changes in the version 29.0 and 29.1 releases.
To review the major release changes in this release, see the Major Features.
To review defect resolutions for this release, see the Resolution Log.
Key Features:
Supporting the Moneris Platform using the Verifone P400 (Canada)
LBMH03-5339 – After you purchase the Verifone P400 devices for your Moneris platform, you can follow these instructions to add them to your stations. These changes will not affect the Ingenico IPP320 devices you still use. The Verifone P400 devices are 3DES-compliant and will be replacing the legacy IPP320 devices beginning in April 2025.
Our goal is to ensure that Moneris customers can continue to use the IPP320 devices while beginning to transition to the Verifone P400, which is leveraging the POSPAD API technology. Using this technology and a Remote Client or VPN connection, this release provides a seamless transition for your business to the P400 device.
Moneris > Verifone P400 Device
You can use the P400 to perform the same work that the IPP320 devices have, including:
Processing credit card, cash, and cheque transactions for sales, orders, payments, refunds, force posts, voids
Note: Also supports Card Plans with Contract IDs and Card Verification Value (CVV) codes. -
Providing gift card support (activation, sales, refunds, card balance, deactivations, card voids, close batch inquiry, close batch)
Tracking loyalty purchases/points, and
Generating receipts for all transaction types.
Setting up a Remote Client Connection for IPP320 Devices
LBMH03-5724 – Typically, Ingenico IPP320 devices use a VPN connection by default to access the application. If your stations already use a Remote Client connection for printing, you can extend your use of the IPP320 by setting the device up to use the Remote Client process as well. In the Device Maintenance settings for the station, specify the Use Remote Client option while setting up your IPP320 device. Make sure each station’s Remote Client settings are complete as part of this process.
To update the IPP320 device to use Remote Client settings:
1. From the Main Menu, choose Maintenance > Database > Devices. The Device Maintenance form displays.
2. From the Device Name list, choose the station the device is connected to. The form displays the current settings for the station.
3. Choose the Card Pad check box and Moneris from the Type box (if these settings are not already selected).
4. From the Device Type list, make sure IPP320 is selected and click Settings. The Moneris Device Settings box displays.
Device Maintenance > Station > Moneris Settings > Use Remote Client Check Box Enabled
5. To update your IPP320 device to use the Remote Client connection options:
Update the IP Address to reflect the local network connection.
Check the Port and ECR ID settings to ensure they are current.
Enable (Select) the Use Remote Client check box.
Note: If you uncheck this box later, the device reverts to the VPN connection.
6. Choose Accept to close the Moneris Device Settings box.
7. Enable the Remote Client settings for this device using the instructions in this topic or update the current entries, if needed.
8. Choose the Process (F12) key to save these settings to the database.
Adding the Verifone P400 to a Station
LBMH03-4851, LBMH03-5339, LBMH03-5724 – When you work in Point of Sale and you log into the application, you expect the payment processing device to connect to the system as well. This requires some setup in the application, which we will describe in this section.
If you are converting the station from an IPP320 to a P400, you make those changes in the Moneris Device Settings box to support the new device.
These instructions assume you have Remote Client set up for the station in your Device Maintenance form. Follow the instructions in this topic if you need to set up a new remote connection.
Note: If you revert an IPP320 to VPN after setting up the Remote Client process to connect to the device, make sure the Remote Client settings in the lower left corner are disabled if you do not use them for printing.
To add a P400 device to a station using the Remote Client process:
1. From the Main Menu, choose Maintenance > Database > Devices. The Device Maintenance form displays.
2. From the Device Name list, choose the station to add the P400 device to. The form updates to show the current device settings for the station.
3. Choose the Card Pad check box and Moneris from the Type box (if these settings are not already selected).
4. Continue based on whether you are adding a new device or replacing an existing IPP320:
If you are replacing an existing device, the Moneris Device Settings box displays automatically.
If you are adding a new device, click the Settings button to display the Moneris Device Settings box.
Moneris Device Settings Box with Verifone P400 Option Highlighted
5. From the Device Type list, choose Verifone P400.
6. Whether you are adding a new device or replacing an existing one, you can reset the Device Communication settings as needed:
IP Address
Enter the IP Address for the Verifone P400 device, as supplied by your network team. -
Enter the Port setting for the Verifone P400 device, as defined by your network team. -
Enter the Cash Register ID of the device in this field.
When you complete these entries, the Initialize Device box displays.
P400 Settings > Initialize Device Prompt
7. Choose Yes to begin the initialization process. An initialization message displays on the P400 device.
When initiation is successful, the message, Terminal Initialization Succeeded.
If not, review your settings to see if there are any changes required.
8. Click OK to close the initialization message.
9. Review the following options and select the check boxes of the features you need to support with this device:
Gift Cards
Select this option to support gift card and loyalty transactions on this device. This includes enabling gift cards, activating and deactivating them, inquiries about points and usage totals, purchases with gift cards, and returns that involve gift cards as part of the original transaction.
Note: Enter the unique transaction identifier ID in the Gift Card TID field. The gift card TID number is specific to the ECR ID number and is unique to the Moneris Pad. This is required for processing Moneris gift cards. -
Select this option to support Mail Order/Telephone Order transactions on this device. When you enable this check box, Point of Sale can use the MOTO option in the Process Document section during the Point of Sale checkout process on P400 devices.
10. On the Moneris Device Settings box, click Accept to close the box.
11. In the Remote Client section, select the Enabled check box and leave the default Type list entry, Standard Station (Default), in place.
12. Choose Process (F12) to save these settings to the application.
The application uses the Terminal Initiation for both the Remote Client and VPN processes, these processes are just different.
Using Terminal Commands to Review the P400 Responses
The BankCard Maintenance Terminal Commands allow you to review the Remote Client and VPN responses to Moneris device changes for a particular station. Using these commands, you can review the results of many standard process changes you made to the station, including initialization, gift initialization, log on/off, PED (PIN Entry Device) details, including code download, totals reset and reboot; terminal reset, last transaction details, close batch and close batch inquiry, gift totals by card code, gift close batch and batch inquiry, and to set the English/French language settings. Moneris must be your Card Processing Interface to see these BankCard Maintenance settings.
To review the responses to terminal command options for the current station running Moneris:
1. From the Main Menu, choose Maintenance > Utilities > Bankcard Maintenance. The BankCard Maintenance form displays.
BankCard Maintenance > Terminal Command List
2. From the Terminal Command list, choose the command you implemented, to see the terminal response results. This tool works for both Remote Client or VPN responses.
3. Choose Send. The application searches for the terminal response results and displays them in a new box.
Understanding the Moneris Receipts for the P400
LBMH03-5854 – When you begin to use the P400, you may notice that the receipts’ layout is different from those you see when you are using the IPP320. These receipts have been designed by Moneris and comply with their layout requirements.
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