12-Month Highest Balance

This figure is the highest overall balance for the selected customer over the past 12-month period using today as a base date. This overall balance includes the current and past due balances, finance charges, and deducts the customer's credit balance if any. These figures use the ending month totals for each month in the range, not daily balances. The highest balance figure may not match a customer's statement balance during the same 12 months. This is especially true if billing is processed on a day other than the calendar month-end (such as the 25th, for example). The last month in the 12-month range is the current month. Due to this, the 12th month usually does not represent a full month's activity. Activity in the current month can affect the balance displayed in this field if it exceeds any of the prior 12 months' balances.

If a customer's or job's current balance is higher than the highest balance from any prior month in the current year, the current balance will be shown as the "YTD Highest Balance." The highest balance is the total due for the period, not the sum of the balances. This figure includes all balances, finance charges, and open credits (credits are subtracted).